Registration assistance
Due to certain circumstances/situations, you may be blocked when you attempt to register for courses. Please refer to the below list if you are blocked from registration.
Need permission to take a course with prerequisites
You must successfully satisfy UMBC prerequisites to register for courses with prerequisite requirements. If you receive a registration error indicating that you do not have the appropriate prerequisites to enroll in a course, and you believe that you have satisfied the prerequisite requirement or you are currently taking the prerequisite course(s), submit a prerequisite override request.
Due to increased online activity, the prerequisite override form may take up to a minute to load. The form is not accessible with Internet Explorer. Please use another browser. For assistance, please contact our office.
Visiting students who attempt to enroll in a course with prerequisite course requirements will initially be blocked from registering. UMBC’s online registration system cannot automatically verify that the prerequisites have been met at a visiting student’s home institution, even when a transcript has been submitted. Visiting students attempting to enroll in a class with prerequisites must submit a prerequisite override request before they can register.
A prerequisite override does NOT guarantee enrollment in the course. Once granted permission to enroll, you must register as soon as possible to secure your seat.
Need permission to take more credits
You can enroll in up to 4.5 credits in winter session. Highly motivated and academically strong students may be granted permission to enroll in more than the designated course load limit with prior approval. More information and access to the online Enroll For Excess Credits approval form is available at Enrollment Forms.
Need permission to take a course for a third and final time
You may not register for the same course more than two times. You are considered registered for a course if you are enrolled after the end of the schedule adjustment period.
You must petition the Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) for a third and final attempt of a course taken at UMBC [or] another institution. An attempt is defined as enrollment in a UMBC course (or its equivalent at another institution) in which the student has received a grade or an official withdrawal noted on the transcript.
Want to take a winter course but applied for fall graduation (current UMBC students)
Current UMBC students who have applied for fall graduation will be blocked from winter session registration. To register for winter session courses, contact the Registrar’s Office, and request to be term activated for winter session.
Need to get rid of a financial hold on my account
Students who have outstanding financial obligations to UMBC will be prevented from registering until the account is fulfilled. If your enrollment is blocked, and your past due student financial account balance is less than $250, please contact Student Business Services to discuss your individual situation. More information about paying tuition, fees and other charges is available at Student Business Services.
Need permission to take courses that have a time conflict
You are not permitted to register for courses that meet at the same time or overlap in meeting patterns. The registration system will block your enrollment. If there are extenuating circumstances, you may be permitted to register for courses that share a time conflict if the overlap is minimal and both instructors agree to the exception. More information and access to the online request form is available at Enrollment Forms.