Schedule Adjustment Period
The first four class days of winter session (January 2 – 7) is the designated schedule adjustment period. Use myUMBC to add, swap or drop courses.
Add courses
Registration remains open during the first four class days of winter session. The instructor reserves the right to deny registration in classes that have already met. Check with the instructor before adding a new course to ensure that you can make up missed work. Courses added during schedule adjustment will be assessed a non-refundable $20 late registration fee.
Swap courses
During the schedule adjustment period you can swap one course for another without academic or financial penalty, as long as both courses are being offered for the same number of credits. Check with the instructor before adding a new course to ensure that you can make up missed work. The instructor reserves the right to deny registration in classes that have already met. Be sure to add the new class to your schedule before dropping the old class.
Drop courses
Courses dropped during the schedule adjustment period are not considered an attempt and will not appear on your transcript. After schedule adjustment, your transcript will reflect a “W” for any dropped courses. A pro-rated refund is issued for courses dropped during the schedule adjustment period.
Schedule changes after the schedule adjustment period
After the schedule adjustment period ends you can no longer use myUMBC to make changes to your schedule. You must submit a Help Request to the Registrar’s Office for the following changes:
- Drop a course after schedule adjustment. This is considered a course attempt, and your transcript will reflect a “W” for the dropped course.
- Session withdrawal. After the deadline to drop courses with a grade of “W,” you are not permitted to drop individual courses. You must withdraw from the entire session and drop all courses in the session. Your transcript will reflect a “session withdrawal.”
- Requests to change the grading method (regular, pass/fail, audit) after the end of the schedule adjustment period must first go through the Grading Method petition process. These are not handled by the Registrar’s Office unless an approved petition is on file. Students should be making decisions about the grading method before the end of the schedule adjustment period. View all Undergraduate Petition forms and processes.
Late add petition
It is against University guidelines to attend a class for which you are not registered. In rare and extenuating circumstances, however, an exception to add a class after the published deadline can be considered by submitting a late add petition to the Academic Success Center. View all Undergraduate Petition forms and processes.
Request for exception to enrollment policy
To request an exception to enrollment policy regarding last day to cancel, drop or withdraw due to extenuating circumstances such as military deployment, personal medical and health concerns, including mental health, and death of an immediate family member, you will need to complete and submit a Request for Exception to Enrollment Policy to the Office of Enrollment Management.